Monday, September 12, 2011

Baby Update

As we all know, we got a little boy coming into the world, and we couldn't be more excited.
We've decided on the name Judah Matthew Young. John looked up the meaning and he translated it to, "to praise our gift from God".
We are 19 weeks this week, and he is growing so fast.
His sensory development is exploding. His brain is designating areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch. Some research says that he may even be able to hear the noises going on around him. So now when people start talking to my belly, he can actually hear them now. haha
He weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and from head to bottom he measures about 6 inches long. He's even growing hair on his lil head. Along with developing 'vernix caseoso', which is a protective coat to prevent him from "pickling" in the amniotic fluid.
Baby Judah is coming fast. :D we can't wait to welcome him into our world, and start our lil family of John Jenn and Judah Young.

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